DALY CITY, CALIF.–Dial-up internet access here at my parents’ house has been erratic, but at the moment the internet gods seem to be smiling down at me and presenting me with a steady connection, so I’ll seize this opportunity to offer an update.
I arrived late Wednesday night safe and sound, despite a couple of flight delays. The next day, my parents, my aunt, and I went to San Jose to have Thanksgiving dinner with relatives (my dad’s cousins). I hadn’t seen them in a while; their kids, one of whom is my goddaughter, are such cute little tykes and growing up so fast.
Yesterday my parents decided to go shopping for a new (fake) Christmas tree, so we went to Lowe’s, and got one of those kinds with the lights already on. We came back to the house and set it up, and it looks so nice with just the lights that for a second we thought about leaving it unornamented. Side note: before going into Lowe’s we stopped briefly at 3-Day Blinds, since my parents are thinking about replacing the blinds in my old room. My mom seemed interested in the ones with designs on them, and so she was drawn to the Disney display, where they have all sorts of Disney characters available. I was flipping through the catalog, and I gasped, “Ooh, look! The Incredibles!” She replied, “Do you want that?” She was serious. I was sort of giddy for a second. The Incredibles on my windows! Neat-o!
But then reality sneaked in, and we decided on a plain, wood blind. Still, it is nice to dream up the room I never had as a kid: colorful, whimsical, and so forth.
Yesterday evening we drove to Concord and had dinner with my aunt (my mom’s sister) and her family. Again I have to say how quickly the kids are growing up. I know, it’s like I’m all ready to sing “Sunrise, Sunset.” So yeah, more good food and good times.
Okay. I’ve been up since 4:30 a.m. local (Pacific) time. I guess I’m more jetlagged than I thought. Today we’re probably just going to stay home and relax: decorate the tree, watch a DVD or two (I brought Down with Love to watch for the umpteenth time), feast on leftovers, etc. Have a good weekend, folks.