
Boys’ night out

Thanks to one of my TiVo wishlists, I found out about a dating show that will have a gay episode this week. (I’m reminded that Blind Date had a gay couple on earlier this year.) Here’s the kicker: the show is Best Friend’s Date, which is on The N, the teen block of Noggin. “Will Allison pick the right guy for her gay best friend Alan?” You can check out the prospective dates in their video poll, and the episode airs Friday, Jan. 14, 8:30 p.m. ET. Way to go for gay youth!

[Addendum (Jan. 14): Speaking of gay youth, on Wednesday Nightline ran an interesting report on Michael Shackelford, a gay Oklahoma teenager who was profiled in a series of articles in the Post last fall. (Thanks to Andy for the heads up.)]



Here I am! Yes, it’s been ages (in blog time, at least), but I had to snap myself out of my post-holiday blogging doldrums to say how giddy I am: earlier tonight I auditioned for The Arlington Players‘ production of Ragtime, one of my favorite musicals. Now, I had known about these auditions for a while, wavering on whether to actually try out, and even as late as this morning, I had decided to pass on it. It’s been years since I’ve sung or danced with any regularity, so I didn’t think I was in any shape mentally or physically. I told various people about it, and with their encouragement, I finally thought, well, what do I have to lose?

I chose “Anthem” from Chess as my audition song. I worried about reaching the high notes, as my vocal range has become shaky at both ends from disuse, but it’s surprising what a little adrenaline will do. Even as the butterflies were in my whirring in my stomach, I seemed to hit the notes all right. (Okay, so I forgot a few of the words. Fortunately I picked it up a couple of beats later.) And the dance part of the audition went well, too.

We’ll hear about callbacks and casting soon, but honestly, I don’t care too much about whether I get a part or not. Seriously. I’m just so glad that I decided to try out (even if it took me forever to see the light). It was a fun experience in and of itself.


New Year’s Eve

I arrived back in D.C. without incident on Wednesday night, and it sure is nice to be home. After a day of rest, I’m up and away again, with Thom to Boston for the weekend.

Happy new year, everyone. Manigong bagong taon sa inyong lahat. Thanks for reading Rebel Prince, and see you in 2005!


Jeffrey’s last night in town

DALY CITY, CALIF.–Earlier tonight my parents and I had dinner at Max’s Opera Cafe in Burlingame (I read their website just now, and learned that the chain started in Daly City; how ’bout that), and after we arrived home Subarna dropped by for tea and TV-watching. Good times.

About 11 hours from now, I will be on a plane headed back to D.C. (Actually I have a one-hour stopover in Detroit, which had better go smoothly.) I miss Thom and Alex, so I’m looking forward to getting back. And since I have this entire week off from work, it’s not time for the post-vacation back-to-the-office blahs just yet. In fact, this Friday we’re traveling to Boston to hang out with Sonal over the New Year’s weekend. (If anyone can recommend any must-sees or must-dos… do tell. I guess we’ve missed this scantily clad curiosity: the Santa Speedo Run.)

And oh, yes, here in the Bay Area it’s still raining, off and on. Mostly on.


Here comes the rain again

DALY CITY, CALIF.–More of a holiday recap is forthcoming, but for now, this tidbit: I just checked the local forecast to see if the current rainy weather is going to ease up at all, and well, I’ll let this speak for itself:

10-day forecast for Daly City: showers, rain

Okay, Mr., I get the picture!


Little elf, little elf!

Yesterday Thom left for Covington to spend Christmas with his family, and in a few hours I’ll be off to the west coast, where I’ll be with my folks through next Wednesday. This morning I had the radio on while getting ready, and Morning Edition played excerpts from the classic David Sedaris story “Santaland Diaries,” first broadcast 12 years ago. I was shaving while listening to it, and I had to stop since I was laughing so much. Check it out. (See also “Christmas and Commerce,” This American Life.)

Well, I’m leaving for the airport soon and better get packing. Happy holidays, everyone!


Flickr-ing lights

Lights 3On Saturday we went to the Miracle of Lights display at Bull Run Park in Centreville: all the wonder of Christmas lights without having to leave your car. Nice. However, the drive into the park was kind of crowded, which made for a long, dark wait. Afterwards we had a late dinner at one of our usual places, Silver Diner. Thom has some photos up, of the holiday lights and the diner as well. Speaking of which, there’s an article in Salon today about Flickr, the great photo-sharing service that both Thom and I use. If you have a Flickr account that I don’t know about, let me know; I love keeping up with people’s photos.


Bunny wings

Just in time for the holidays: It’s a Wonderful Life in 30 seconds, re-enacted by bunnies (requires Flash). Nice. You know, I’ve never seen the original, human version. (Speaking of bells and wings, you may want to revisit “Jesus Shaves,” David Sedaris’ story about a different holiday, Easter. His story on Dutch Christmas customs, “Six to Eight Black Men,” is also pretty funny.)

Did anyone catch The Christmas Special Christmas Special on Bravo? It’s a neat look at all those old TV specials, and it delved a lot deeper than I’d expected into the shaping of the “ideal” American Christmas. (Speaking of Bravo, we finally got around to watching the pilot episode of Project Runway. Not bad.)