I just received a nice e-mail from Lisa Butenhoff, communications manager at Food & Friends, thanking me for plugging Dining Out for Life on my blog. That reminded me to remind you locals that today’s the day: dozens of D.C.-area restaurants will donate a part of their sales to help fund Food & Friends’ assistance to people with HIV/AIDS and other illnesses. Tonight Thom and I are having dinner at Carlyle with a group from the Arlington Gay and Lesbian Alliance (AGLA).
[Update (19:39): Well, that was nice time. However, Thom hadn’t been feeling well all afternoon, so by the time we got to the restaurant he had a huge headache and was really out of it, really frazzled. We decided to sit at a table by ourselves, but did get to talk briefly with the AGLA president a couple of times during the evening. The place was packed, which is great: Carlyle is donating not just a part, but 100% of the day’s take to Food & Friends. What a dinner it was. Really great food, atmosphere, and service.
[We’re back home now, and Thom’s still a little fatigued, so he’s having a lie-down. Poor boy.]