Thom has written about our recent travels, so go check it out: New York and Omaha. Most of my New York photos are up on Flickr (day 1, 2, and more to be added to 3); the one shown here I took in Times Square. As an aside, I will note that at Bloomingdale’s, I found two great pairs of pants by DKNY (and appropriately enough, the styles have names like Soho and Chelsea). I was so enamored of the cut that when we got back, I found another pair of the Chelsea style on eBay and bought it.
Omaha was cold and blustery, but a lot of fun. There’s something about visiting an unfamiliar locale with a like-minded travel companion that endears the place to you. I actually want to go back sometime and check out a few of the places we missed! And yes, Virginia, there is gay life in Omaha. (I must thank the editor of this gay Omaha website for the pointers.)
Next on the itinerary: Seattle! We leave this Friday afternoon, and will be back on the Monday night redeye. I haven’t been to Seattle since I was a kid, when my family went on a road trip from San Francisco to Vancouver (ah, the good old days). I’ve been lightly perusing travel guides, but if anyone has any recommendations, especially on restaurants or gay nightlife, let me know. Also, it’ll be our first flight on Independence Air, so I’d be interested to hear about any experiences with them, too.
Sunday, May 8 is my birthday and also Mother’s Day, as it was when I was born, lo, nearly 28 years ago. I’ll have to remember to give my mom a call, especially because that evening she and my dad will be embarking on a three-week trip to the Philippines. We’re zipping around all over the place!
There are some other trips planned in the coming weeks–when it rains, it pours–including another one to New York over the weekend of Thom’s birthday, at the end of July. We got tickets to the seemingly sold-out Spamalot, which we’ve been wanting to see for a while now. The M.O.: getting single seats. We can wait until intermission to compare notes (and hold hands).
» Previously: “Here and there,” Apr. 15, 2005.