That subgroup of Express letter-writers, the perpetually offended, is at it again. Caught in the crossfire this time: The L Word. From today’s edition:
Kissing Photo ‘Disgusting’
I would like to express my disappointment towards your judgment towards what you print. Tuesday’s Express shows a picture of two women being intimate [accompanying a story on the Showtime program “The L Word”]. This is not only offensive, it is disgusting to me and, I dare say, to many other readers like me. This is not the first such picture you have printed; I remember seeing another similar one printed this year. I challenge you to revisit and increase your standard so you can cater to this respectable nation’s capital with respectability, decency, appropriateness and conventionality.
Silver Spring, Md.
Here is the photo. Since most of you reading this are indeed the choir, I won’t take the time to preach to you, but seriously, Ms. Wondimu needs to get out into the real world, which is the world I assume any “respectable” newspaper aims to reflect. Thanks to a member of the gaydc LiveJournal community for posting about this.
» Previously (Dec. 16, 2004): “Gay Canadians get married (and kiss!).”
[Update (May 19): There are two follow-ups in today’s Express, one commenting on the predictability of the letters (a meta-letter if you will), and another tackling Ms. Wondimu’s letter directly.]
Letters Too Predictable
Wednesday’s letter described the photo printed Tuesday of an intimate same-sex couple as “disgusting.” Predictably, Thursday’s letter will be a comeback directly contrasting that letter and supporting Express. It’s a complaint I have about the letters in this otherwise trendy paper; they’re too predictable.
Washington, D.C.
No Offense — Guaranteed
With respect to Wednesday’s letter regarding the writer’s disgust at seeing the photo accompanying the story about “The L Word,” please contact me so that I may offer my requirements for what you’re allowed to print to keep from offending me. Definitely no politicians I don’t agree with, protests I don’t support or comic strips I don’t find funny.
Arlington, Va.