For the first time in over five years, I am not spending today, the day before Thanksgiving, on a plane. And to be honest, it’s kind of nice! Since we’re here in the Bay Area, close to most of my relatives, this year we’ll be spending Thanksgiving with my aunt’s family in the East Bay.
There will be a tinge of sadness to the holiday season this year, the first since my dad died in July. Last Thanksgiving, my parents, one of my aunts, and I spent a few days in Las Vegas, so that’s a happy memory to look back on. It seems so recent, so it surprises me to realize that was an entire year ago.
Okay, on to some airy holiday fluff. I leave you with “Turkey Lurkey Time” (Promises, Promises) from Camp. Everyone dance along! I have the “jingle bells”-arm-flapping down. And I could definitely use some plaid pants for the full effect.
Happy Thanksgiving, everyone.