
Three years

I upgraded to the latest version of Movable Type (3.15), having held on to version 2.6-something for a while now. There wasn’t any real pressing reason; it’s just that Thom had recently upgraded his installation for his blog, and well, of course I have to keep up with the Joneses, as it were. So the […]

I upgraded to the latest version of Movable Type (3.15), having held on to version 2.6-something for a while now. There wasn’t any real pressing reason; it’s just that Thom had recently upgraded his installation for his blog, and well, of course I have to keep up with the Joneses, as it were. So the upgrade seems to be running all right, knock on wood.

And I just realized that today is my blog’s third birthday. Its first entry was posted on Jan. 25, 2002. But before you go running to find it in the archives, remember that I don’t have all the old entries online… yet. When I made the switch from Blogger to Movable Type a couple of years ago, I realized that most of my older entries, which were untitled and written like digests, wouldn’t import gracefully, shall we say, into Movable Type’s system, which makes use of entry titles. So I’ve been very slowly going back and cleaning them up a bit. Anyway. Happy birthday, prince rebelle.

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