
Let it snow! (a little)

Last night’s concert of Glass and Mahler was neat, and tomorrow night we’re off to something completely different: comedians Stephen Lynch and Mitch Hedberg, at the Warner Theatre. The only thing is the weather. The forecast calls for heavy snow, so not only could transportation be a problem, but there is also the slight possibility […]

Last night’s concert of Glass and Mahler was neat, and tomorrow night we’re off to something completely different: comedians Stephen Lynch and Mitch Hedberg, at the Warner Theatre. The only thing is the weather. The forecast calls for heavy snow, so not only could transportation be a problem, but there is also the slight possibility of the show being cancelled. We’ll see. (It’s sort of déjà vu.) Earlier this evening we went to the nearby Giant to stock up on food in case we get snowed in this weekend; there was quite a crowd of shoppers, and I remarked to Thom that this kind of supermarket stocking rush is foreign to the mild climes of my native San Francisco suburbia.

Have a good weekend, kids, and stay warm.

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