Here I am! Yes, it’s been ages (in blog time, at least), but I had to snap myself out of my post-holiday blogging doldrums to say how giddy I am: earlier tonight I auditioned for The Arlington Players‘ production of Ragtime, one of my favorite musicals. Now, I had known about these auditions for a while, wavering on whether to actually try out, and even as late as this morning, I had decided to pass on it. It’s been years since I’ve sung or danced with any regularity, so I didn’t think I was in any shape mentally or physically. I told various people about it, and with their encouragement, I finally thought, well, what do I have to lose?
I chose “Anthem” from Chess as my audition song. I worried about reaching the high notes, as my vocal range has become shaky at both ends from disuse, but it’s surprising what a little adrenaline will do. Even as the butterflies were in my whirring in my stomach, I seemed to hit the notes all right. (Okay, so I forgot a few of the words. Fortunately I picked it up a couple of beats later.) And the dance part of the audition went well, too.
We’ll hear about callbacks and casting soon, but honestly, I don’t care too much about whether I get a part or not. Seriously. I’m just so glad that I decided to try out (even if it took me forever to see the light). It was a fun experience in and of itself.
6 replies on “Audition”
How EXCITING, Jeff! congrats on taking a chance. Please let us know how it works out.
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All I can say is, “Make them hear you!”
OMG!!! That is *SO* wonderful!!!!! Good luck!!!
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(Seriously, so glad you *did* it!!! It sounds like it was a fabulous experience!)
That is *so* cool. I have my fingers crossed for you.
Good luck! Next week I’ll follow your example in a small way. An opera singer/teacher friend of mine will assess my voice to see whether or not lessons would be complete waste of time! I’ve haven’t go what it takes to go solo (too old anyway) but I’d enjoy being in a good choir