
Bunny wings

Just in time for the holidays: It’s a Wonderful Life in 30 seconds, re-enacted by bunnies (requires Flash). Nice. You know, I’ve never seen the original, human version. (Speaking of bells and wings, you may want to revisit “Jesus Shaves,” David Sedaris’ story about a different holiday, Easter. His story on Dutch Christmas customs, “Six […]

Just in time for the holidays: It’s a Wonderful Life in 30 seconds, re-enacted by bunnies (requires Flash). Nice. You know, I’ve never seen the original, human version. (Speaking of bells and wings, you may want to revisit “Jesus Shaves,” David Sedaris’ story about a different holiday, Easter. His story on Dutch Christmas customs, “Six to Eight Black Men,” is also pretty funny.)

Did anyone catch The Christmas Special Christmas Special on Bravo? It’s a neat look at all those old TV specials, and it delved a lot deeper than I’d expected into the shaping of the “ideal” American Christmas. (Speaking of Bravo, we finally got around to watching the pilot episode of Project Runway. Not bad.)

5 replies on “Bunny wings”

I’ve never seen the original, either — when it comes down to it, if something is hyped or overexposed, I stay far away.

The Christmas special was hilarious… I just wish that Carson Kressley could take some lessons on narration. Perhaps a Straight Announcer for the Queer Fashionista is in order…

Dude, Jeff. You need to see the original It’s A Wonderful Life, and now! I know what you mean though; I didn’t see the whole thing until I was seventeen or eighteen. It’s kinda crazy, but an anytime movie, and not just Christmas. Mmm, I love it.

Happy Holidays, man.

And if I’d known how easy it apparently is to be a fashion designer–have a spare lawn chair, or some corn husks? Snip, snip, sew, and you’ve got a haute couture evening gown–I wouldn’t have wasted so much of my life in office cubicles.

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