

For all you typography geeks out there, a new typeface has been given interim approval for optional use on highway and other signs (link via Typographica). Clearview was developed for increased legibility, and you can definitely see the difference. The stroke widths are thinner than the blocky and ubiquitous Highway Gothic. It’s lighter and more […]

For all you typography geeks out there, a new typeface has been given interim approval for optional use on highway and other signs (link via Typographica). Clearview was developed for increased legibility, and you can definitely see the difference. The stroke widths are thinner than the blocky and ubiquitous Highway Gothic. It’s lighter and more open, and cuts down on halation. (New vocab word! Though it sounds like a medical condition. “Warning: side effects may include halation.”)

Great Bend exit sign in Clearview font

Of course my preference would have been Comic Sans. Kidding, so kidding.

3 replies on “Clearview”

Intriguing. I’m a font geek. I actually know how to typeset he old-fashioned way. Belive me, its a pain.
Right now I’m struggling with Typepad’s designlimitations – I realize why the impose limitations to make things more compatable and as far as I can tell its better than blogger. I know no code.
I’m just striving for a cleaner look -without looking boring – to my site.

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