
We three queens

Last weekend Thom and I went to the Maryland Renaissance Festival (this year’s theme is 1536: the year of the three queens…), where we met up with Sheldon and Gretchen, et al. Not having been to one of these things before, I didn’t really know what to expect apart from the general period vibe. I […]

Last weekend Thom and I went to the Maryland Renaissance Festival (this year’s theme is 1536: the year of the three queens…), where we met up with Sheldon and Gretchen, et al. Not having been to one of these things before, I didn’t really know what to expect apart from the general period vibe. I had a really good time. There’s quite a village built out there, with lots of shops and stage shows. So we strolled around admiring the various wares and entertainments, all the while snacking and drinking as well. (Thanks to a few beers, I had a good buzz going.) People-watching was fun too; there were quite a few cute guys, some made even cuter by their period garb. We didn’t get all dressed up for the fair, but while there we went into a couple of clothing shops and tried on some pieces (Moresca had some vests I liked), and I started to warm to the idea of going in costume. Perhaps next time.

Thom had his digital camera and took a few photos of the joust and of a Tudor cottage, one of the many buildings on the site. I would’ve brought my camera too, but I had misplaced it recently. Just the other day Thom found it under the bed. Go figure.

» The Maryland Renaissance Festival in Crownsville runs weekends through Oct. 24.

2 replies on “We three queens”

That looks fun but that Tudor cottege is the pits. Coming from a country that actually had the Tudor period, and having lived in a few Tudor buildings in my time, I can honestly say that that cottege would be more appropriate in Disneyland than in a “Maryland Renaissance Festival”.

Here endeth the vitriol.

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