
Ready? Okay!

Seen today at McDonald’s (I had a salad, thank you very much): a man wearing a t-shirt that on the back read “We’re here to pick up chicks!” I rolled my eyes and wanted to ask if his shirt was helping or hurting his cause. But then he turned around and I saw that the […]

Seen today at McDonald’s (I had a salad, thank you very much): a man wearing a t-shirt that on the back read “We’re here to pick up chicks!” I rolled my eyes and wanted to ask if his shirt was helping or hurting his cause. But then he turned around and I saw that the front was emblazoned with the name of some cheerleading group. Ahh, got it. And just like that he went from being potentially oafish and offensive to potentially cute and fun. Funny how that happens. Also seen at McDonald’s: a woman wearing a shirt that on the back read “Why?”

I have no idea what that’s about.

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