
That thing you do

Does anyone out there watch Things I Hate About You on Bravo? It premiered a few weeks ago and I’ve (perhaps wisely) avoided it so far, but last night Thom and I saw the commercial for next week’s episode, which features a gay couple, one of whom snores. Oh boy, does this hit close to […]

Does anyone out there watch Things I Hate About You on Bravo? It premiered a few weeks ago and I’ve (perhaps wisely) avoided it so far, but last night Thom and I saw the commercial for next week’s episode, which features a gay couple, one of whom snores. Oh boy, does this hit close to home. We’ve already set the TiVo. Things I Hate About You airs Tuesdays at 9 p.m.

2 replies on “That thing you do”

I caught the “Renee and Patrick” episode (Episode 101, 20 July 2004) quite inadvertently. Between the curious interaction between couples and the dry, often lacking wit of the host, it made to be a mostly entertaining hour of television. I would never make a specific point to watch it again, but if I happened to be caught in another catatonic state with the television flickering in front of me, I would probably save myself the energy of changing the station if this show started.

Well, I have now watched two more episodes and hate to admit I find this show pretty amusing. Last week’s episode was pretty funny and the one from last night was not bad either.

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