I got some take-out Chinese food for lunch last week, and only the other day remembered to open the fortune cookie, which had been sitting, still in its cellophane wrapper, on my desk. It reads, “The small steps you take will ultimately bring you great fortune.” Small steps? What you sayin’, fortune cookie? Oh, am I here to amuse you? Don’t you mess with me. I will take you down. You’re goin’ DOWN, cookie! Ahem.
Good night. Ah, very sleepy. At least my cough is slowly getting better. I guess I’ll read up on the Golden Globes in the morning, and I’ll post my weekend wrap-up tomorrow: Lord of the Rings immersion; and Lindsey, Lucy, and I take a whirl ’round Dupont Circle.
3 replies on “Message in a cookie”
You forgot to add “in the bed with a hamster” to the end! Duh! See, it makes it all better…
The Globes were pretty good.
Films to see:
About Schmidt
Talk to Her
The Hours
Films you need to see:
Top two comments of the night on live television:
2. “Isn’t it nice to see Nicole with her real nose?” (Jack Nicholson referencing Kidman’s role in The Hours where she wears a prosthetic nose)
1. “That was really FUCKING brilliant…” (Bono, on winning an award for best song)
Did you know that the Oakland Raiders won tonight? We didn’t go out today, and by now we’re sure you’re home safely after we read your website.
Take care, and talk to you soon. Warm hugs from us here.
Raiders in the Super Bowl? Oh holy cow, someone could die.
In other news…Alias is the after-Super Bowl show this year! WHEEEEE!!!!