I woke up mid-afternoon, just in time to go see the second matinee of Harry Potter at the Uptown. Really good, but the only thing that bothers me is the relentless pace. It’s heavily plot-driven, leaving little time for character development, which I wanted more of. Not until very late in the movie do you get a thoughtful line, like this one from Professor Dumbledore: “It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.” Ah well, again I say, I’m not exactly in the target audience, so I won’t belabor the criticism. By the way, someone, anyone, give Harry a haircut. Or at least a comb? Please.
Speaking of which, I got my hair cut today after work. (Get a load of this pic. I have the “stare off into the distance” look down. [photo to be re-uploaded]) I just went to the Hair Cuttery, which is your run-of-the-mill, hair salon franchise, but I landed in the hands of a great stylist. Since I get my hair cut only once or twice a year, it ends up being a big job. When asked what cut I wanted, I pointed to my hair, and said, “Can you just chop this all off?” Which she patiently did, clipping and shearing to and fro.
When we were about done, she narrowed her eyes and looked everything over. “Do you mind if I trim your eyebrows?” she asked. I was like, “Ooh, go right ahead!” I was practically having a makeover right there, and goshdarnit if I had said no. She took out a pair of tiny scissors and snipped away at my brows. You can’t really tell the difference, though, which I suppose is a good thing. They’re not shaped or anything, just a bit more orderly. (I’m reminded of this store in D.C. that I keep meaning to check out, the Grooming Lounge. I should go in and pamper myself one of these days.)
7 replies on “Return to Hogwarts; I feel pretty, oh, so pretty”
Holy cow, Jeffy! You look GREAT!
I love it! I love the short cut, I love the eyebrows, and I LOVE the denim jacket!
Look at you, you li’l putnam, you! Reminds me… I should tame the ol’ brow as well… and maybe shower some time. Oh! BTW… Yes, Mr. Radcliffe definitely could use some pampering, however our friend Mr. Wood the house Quidditch captain is looking just fine… grrrowl… peace out!
Hee hee. And ah yes, Oliver Wood, a.k.a. Sean Biggerstaff. Ahem. Oh, and I love the way he says the word “seeker.”
“Tiger! Roar, roar!” Work it, honey. *snaps* Oh my, you just had to italicize Biggerstaff, didn’t you? 😉 Let me guess. “Oh my, my arse…”
i like the hair! muy MUY bien!
Oh and honey… sequels never leave room for character development. Did you see the first Harry Potter?
I’ll fill you in; I’m an expert. And I’m not ashamed, either. *grins*
Aww, shucks, you guys. Oh, and yes, Linds, I did read and see the first Harry Potter.