

It’s snowing! (Online and outside.) Yay!


It’s snowing! (Online and outside.) Yay!

7 replies on “Finally”

Of course… those who do not have a half-hour commute by car on snowy and icy roads think the snow is a joy… personally, I intend to snow on your parade, Jeff, and say… Bah… Humbug! What a grumpy old Ebenezer Sneezer I am. 😮

I did enjoy the slowly falling flakes on your LJ, Jeff… very pretty and clever.

I agree that Matthew Perry (a talented Canadian to be sure) has lost his way and should choose his next film role very carefully. I will avoid this particular movie… Your critiques are usually right on.

Tell me, Jeff… Have you come down with F.A.A. arse cheek cramps yet? You have spent more time on planes recently than the Queen on a Commonwealth tour. Aren’t you fed up with it yet? I jet off myself in a couple of weeks. I have been perfecting my smile, eye shielding from the blinding flashbulbs and wave to the intrusive razzi as I ascend the stairs to my shining silver skyliner.

Talk soon… lub Natey

Ah yes, it’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas! Thanks, Lauren! And Sus, you fabulous snow bunny, you.

Hee hee. True, Natey, during my commute on the metro this morning, I was comfortably perusing this week’s issue of The New Yorker, while drivers above ground were dealing with the icy roads.

And yes, my ass needs a good workout (oh, shush) after sitting in planes so much lately.

Natey, we must rendezvous at a far-flung airport lounge for a shaken martini sometime (after you’ve deftly dodged the ‘razzi, of course)… it’s all so James Bond, circa Sean Connery. Heh.

Aww, the snow makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside, even though snow is… cold and wet. Yeah. I don’t know why I’m so cold lately… it’s only what, fifty-something degrees; it isn’t that bad. I’m just abso-pathetic.

*turns her heating pad up a notch*

Sus’ comment reminded me of how much I want one of those crazy stripe scarves from the Gap. Am I the only one who loves that commercial?

And I think Natey should come visit my page one of these days (yes, you… you Canadian sunset, you). I think your visit would make it feel complete. What? It has feelings too…

Aye, more proof as to how abo-pathetic I am.

Love you, Jeffy.

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