WASHINGTON, D.C. — Sigh. Since 10 p.m. PST last night, I’ve been on the move. Early this morning I arrived at National Airport, went to my apartment to drop off my bags, dashed back out for a dental appointment, and then went to work. Now I’m back. Finally, I can stop and sleep.
6 replies on “Going, going…”
Now you know how Lindbergh felt when he made his little hop to Paris in 1927.
Sleep well, my Prince Rebelle.
Heh heh, indeed. Thanks, mate.
No, dude. You still must be tired. That’s Nate. Not an “m”; an “N”. K?
Silly piggy. (But yes, I am still tired, at any rate.)
A silly piggy indeed… 🙂
Nate calls his broker and buys up a whole mess of pig bellies.
Oooohh Nate!!! No you di’in’t!!!