Ah, poor neglected blog. I think this is the longest I’ve gone without writing an entry: over two months! Yikes. Despite the lack of writing, though, the site has still been getting a decent trickle of visitors from search engines and you few, you happy few who periodically stop by to see if the tumbleweeds have cleared. Bless you.
I will say that I have been using Twitter, so that’s something. You can catch up on my Twitter page, or find the most recent tweets reproduced in the sidebar here on my home page. Also, if you use Twitter, follow me, and I can stalk, er, follow, you too!
Oh, and there’s Facebook. I’m always up for a round of Scrabulous, which I think I’m reasonably good at, or Scramble, at which I rate myself somewhere between horrible and mediocre. Still, it’s fun. Got to stave off the Alzheimer’s somehow.
OK, now that the “we had a good time but I never called you and oh look at us randomly meeting here on the street” awkwardness is over: we good?
One reply on “Bloggage claim”
I was wondering if you had committed blogicide. See you on the Scrabulous page! *smooches*