I subscribe to the e-mail newsletter for the Vancouver 2010 Olympics. I have this vague dream of attending the games in person, especially since Vancouver is closer than any host city to where I’ve happened to live during the Olympics. (Well, L.A. was indeed closest, but in 1984, I was … seven years old; by the time the games were held in Salt Lake City, I was living in D.C.)
When I got an e-mail from them earlier this week with the subject “Meet the Vancouver 2010 Mascots,” I was already cringing. Granted, most Olympic mascots have been pretty innocuous, but Izzy certainly gave them a bad name. When I saw the Vancouver ones, I thought, they’re really cute! (A little too cute? I suppose unlike most sports mascots, Olympic mascots have come to be designed for children. At least there’s the marketing for all. Ah, so cynical already.)
One reply on “Quatchi, the lovable sasquatch”
Wow. They’re quite adorable.