
Cat tales

As I mentioned briefly a while ago, we have a couple of additions to our family: two new cats!

Just to backtrack: Our cat Alex ran away from home in May, as you may know. We miss him, but he is such a social cat that my hope is someone found him and just decided to take him in. It’s funny how your emotions can go into auto-pilot in times like this; shortly after he ran away, I found myself resigned to thinking that we’d never see him again and making peace with that. And then I felt guilty that I was “giving up” too early. (Could it be defense mechanisms from losing my dad last year? Anyway.)

In the weeks after Alex’s disappearance, Thom and I went to the Peninsula Humane Society every few days to see if Alex might’ve been brought in, and during our visits we would take a peek at the cats available for adoption. We stopped going for a few months, and then we felt like it was time to have a cat (or two) again. Last month we looked at the Humane Society website, and saw a cute pair of young cats named Poof and Fuzz. That weekend we went to see them in person. Potential adopters and adoptees get to spend some time in the “get acquainted” room; here’s Thom and the kitties:

Getting to know you

They were kind of skittish but so cute, and we decided to adopt them. It’s been great seeing them get used to us and their new home (and their new names!). Introductions: Tiki is a female tortie and just turned two years old; we don’t have her exact birthday, but we narrowed it down to the month, and decided to celebrate it on Halloween. She’s the more energetic of the two and also likes being a lap cat. (In fact she’s on my lap as we speak.)

Tiki (full)

Mojito (also known as Mojo) is a male, three-and-a-half-year-old Maine Coon mix. Thom named Tiki, so I was to name the other one. It took me the longest time. I was looking for a similarly island-themed name, and the inspiration came when we were recently at a restaurant ordering cocktails! Mojo’s easy going and has a beautiful, long coat.

Mojito (full)

I’ve started a photo set for them, and Julie has some really great photos from earlier this week. By the way, I came across this xkcd comic recently. It’s so true. Who’s a good kitty? Yes, you are!

And lastly, there’s this cartoon by Simon Tofield:

I said to Thom, “Thank goodness our cats aren’t that aggressive.” He replied, “Yet.”

3 replies on “Cat tales”

Congrats on the new additions to the family, and yes, of course, Alex the cat is with a new family. Cats are great survivors, and I’m sure he’s doing just fine!

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