I just took this online quiz called Personal DNA. It’s neat how most of the responses are elicited in sliding scales or graphs, not just multiple choices. So apparently I’m a “considerate creator.” When you complete the quiz it compiles a profile and provides an image (suitable for meme-ing, of course) that you can mouse over to get a summary of the traits. Here’s mine:
One thing that strikes me is the red swath of confidence. I don’t think of myself as highly confident, but maybe that dimension of the survey encompasses something other than what I tend to think of as self-confidence. Some of the other color bands are so thin you can hardly see them, like extroversion and umm, masculinity (“the degree of your stereotypically-male traits”); heh, that sounds about right. (Link via shadowy duck.)
3 replies on “Personal DNA”
Really interesting quiz, just took it and posted the results over on my blog. I am a “respectful leader” which kind of threw me at first, but after reading their definition it kind of made sense!
Hey Jeff!
Ok, I took this and came out a “respectful creator.”
Funny, I haven’t made anything yet. But maybe I should!
Time for my Play-Doh ™ masterpiece!
It reckons that I’m an “animated leader”; like the ENTJ “Field Marshall” type who says “I’m so sorry you have to die tomorrow.” Huh?