
Cubicle cuisine

There is a trio of articles in today’s Post about eating lunch at the office, namely at one’s desk. I try not to eat at my desk. Since I work in a cubicle–I had my own office (with a much coveted door) in our old building, sigh–and I eat lunch later than most, eating at […]

There is a trio of articles in today’s Post about eating lunch at the office, namely at one’s desk. I try not to eat at my desk. Since I work in a cubicle–I had my own office (with a much coveted door) in our old building, sigh–and I eat lunch later than most, eating at my desk usually leaves me open to people stopping by with work-related questions while I’m trying to eat. A while back I decided to reclaim my lunchtime, and use that opportunity to leave the building and get some fresh air. Luckily within walking distance of my office there are a lot of restaurants, so finding a place to escape to and eat at (and work on a crossword puzzle or read a magazine) is never a problem.

What are your lunch habits?

6 replies on “Cubicle cuisine”

Unfortunately, I usually eat the salad I make at home, at my desk. I know I need to get out for lunch, but working in a suburban location where there is not much around is not conducive to walking. Also our building is the main training center for our company, so our cafeteria is always full and NOISY. It is quieter at my desk.

I usually bring my lunch to work. Usually leftovers from dinner the night before. Certainly healthier and cheaper than the pizza joints and sandwich shops around campus. So I eat at my desk (which is strictly verboten because I work in a lab, but don’t tell anyone!!). Really, germs at my desk are the last thing I should be worrying about. 🙂

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