SAN FRANCISCO INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT — So after numerous tries, I finally got my iBook to access the T-Mobile wi-fi here at SFO. I’m on my way back to D.C. on American Airlines, but my first flight is delayed, cutting down my connection time in Dallas to 30 minutes. (And here I thought I was smart in choosing a Dallas connection over one in Chicago, which is experiencing weather delays.) The airline agent I talked to seemed to think I’d be okay on my scheduled flights, so we’ll see.
It’s been a fun week; stories and photos are forthcoming when I get back. And sleep.
[Update: DALLAS-FORT WORTH INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT — Well. I guess I needn’t have worried. My connecting flight is delayed as well (there’s definitely some kind of ripple effect going on), so it’s not quite the time crunch I expected. But this means I won’t get to D.C. until around 1 a.m. Sigh, almost there.]
3 replies on “Waiting and rushing”
are you home yet?
I did a very gay thing this weekend… Sing-A-Long Sound of Music at the Castro theatre! LOL! And, did you know that there was a street named Hancock in the Castro? We found parking there of all places!
I hate connections. Especially connections that I miss because my plane was late!