Yesterday I received a Friendster message from someone who came across my profile and told me they liked what they saw. The whole message is pretty flirtatious (I don’t think it’s just me reading into it). Believe me, I’m flattered, but oh yeah, let me mention … it’s from a woman. And if you’re just joining us, I’m as gay as a daisy in May.
On Friendster profiles there’s no pre-made category to indicate your sexual orientation; however in the “interested in meeting people for” section, if you pick “relationship” or “dating,” there are variants appending the word “men” or “women.” Otherwise profiles are pretty neutral, unless you come out (as it were) and say so in the write-in sections.
There really should be a box I can check that says “gayer than springtime.”
4 replies on “La vie est gaie”
“Gayer than springtime.” I like that and pretty much describes me as well. I’ll have to remember that! 🙂
In a post comprised of approximately 150 words, there were TWO references to SOUTH PACIFIC.
I think that says it all. 🙂
I’m sorry…make that THREE references, including the title. Wow…could you BE more gay? 🙂
I springtime really that gay? Yes you have all the new fashions during the spring but should we be slighting summer?
All the boys are still pumping iron in the spring so they can be REALLY gay on the beach come summer. Nothing says gay like a fake & bake pumped up muscletwink in a chartreuse micro-boxcut swimsuit…
Springtime still really gay though.