

Just a little piece of advice: if, like me last night, you are kept awake by backache-induced insomnia and decide at 3 in the morning to lull yourself back to sleep by watching TV, do not watch, say, a NOVA program on the Indian Ocean tsunami. Honestly, I don’t mean to make light of the […]

Just a little piece of advice: if, like me last night, you are kept awake by backache-induced insomnia and decide at 3 in the morning to lull yourself back to sleep by watching TV, do not watch, say, a NOVA program on the Indian Ocean tsunami.

Honestly, I don’t mean to make light of the whole thing. I had recorded the episode and intended to watch it at some point, but last night was just not the ideal time. Back in bed I lay awake even longer. The image that stuck with me was news footage of water rushing through a city street like river rapids, full of debris and (one can only imagine) bodies underneath.

It made me wonder about the current state of relief efforts. ReliefWeb has a good collection of information resources.

Sorry to be such a Debbie Downer. Happy Monday.

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