
Do you know the way to San Jose? (And Monterey?)

In a few hours I’m off to California to hang out and visit my family for a long Memorial Day weekend; I’ll be there through Wednesday. (Thom is staying home this time, aww.) And tomorrow morning Rajani is flying to San Jose, where I will pick her up, and she and I are planning to […]

In a few hours I’m off to California to hang out and visit my family for a long Memorial Day weekend; I’ll be there through Wednesday. (Thom is staying home this time, aww.) And tomorrow morning Rajani is flying to San Jose, where I will pick her up, and she and I are planning to drive to Monterey and the aquarium. We’ll try to get up to other Bay Area backroads-type stuff the rest of the weekend. Should be loads of fun.

While I’m out there I’ll try and post an entry or two, and maybe some photos, but we’ll see given my parents’ dial-up connection. I really should sign them up for DSL. At least for my sake.

Have a great weekend, kids.

2 replies on “Do you know the way to San Jose? (And Monterey?)”

I was in Monterey as the Asilomar Conference Grounds for a retreat in January. I loved it. The bay is spectacular.

The last night I was there, I laid on my back on the beach and looked at the stars for three hours.

The next morning, I took a cold walk on the beach and watched pelicans glide over the waves, hunting for fish.

Despite the nastiness of my other Monterey experience (like my house exploding and catching on fire; no, that is not a joke), I loved Monterey.

I just couldn’t live there. I don’t think I saw a house under $5 million.

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