
With it

It’s funny how my parents are often more in tune with certain aspects of pop culture than I am. The latest example came when I talked to them on the phone last night. They’re on vacation in the Philippines, and after my dad asked me if there was any interesting stateside news to report, he […]

It’s funny how my parents are often more in tune with certain aspects of pop culture than I am. The latest example came when I talked to them on the phone last night. They’re on vacation in the Philippines, and after my dad asked me if there was any interesting stateside news to report, he added, “Oh, who’s left on American Idol?” I humored him by going to the website and telling him that apparently it’s down to two people named Bo and Carrie. He knew exactly who they are. “Vonzell is gone?!”

“Dad, who are you?”

It’s things like that. It’s hilarious. And the way my mom brings up celebrity news now and then, I swear she must watch Extra or Access Hollywood on a regular basis. I’m now waiting for her to ask me if I think this Tom-Katie thing is going to last.

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