
LiveJournal, do you read me?

Unto you is born yet another LiveJournal. Sort of. I started one yesterday basically to make commenting on other people’s LJs easier for me, but then rather than leaving my LJ as just a placeholder (as my Xanga blog has ended up), I somehow decided to get a little more ambitious (dangerous, that), and thanks […]

Unto you is born yet another LiveJournal. Sort of. I started one yesterday basically to make commenting on other people’s LJs easier for me, but then rather than leaving my LJ as just a placeholder (as my Xanga blog has ended up), I somehow decided to get a little more ambitious (dangerous, that), and thanks to a neat plugin called MTLJPost which Thom suggested, I created a mirror of my Movable Type site. It seems to be working okay so far (knock on wood), all subject to further revisions, whims, changes of heart, acts of god, etc. Voilà: Rebel Prince, LJ style.

I’d like to keep comments consolidated on MT, so each of the LJ entries ends with a link to its counterpart on my primary site,, which is where you should go anyway for extra links, photos, etc. Aside: while we’re talking admin here, to those of you using news readers, I do want to remind you of my FeedBurner feed, all fortified with Flickr and goodness.

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