
More than just co-anchors

Did everyone watch Family Guy (season premiere) and American Dad (series premiere) last night? I have to note two of the supporting characters on American Dad, Terry and Greg, gay news anchors who are also domestic partners. It’s cute how Greg encourages and coaches Terry during their on-air reporting, which usually lapses momentarily into personal […]

More than just co-anchorsDid everyone watch Family Guy (season premiere) and American Dad (series premiere) last night?

I have to note two of the supporting characters on American Dad, Terry and Greg, gay news anchors who are also domestic partners. It’s cute how Greg encourages and coaches Terry during their on-air reporting, which usually lapses momentarily into personal banter:

Announcer: The Channel 3 Noon Report with anchor-partners Greg Corbin and Terry Bates. News that’s independent, proud, and unashamed.
Terry: Good news to report today, Greg.
Greg: Sure is, Terry. The threat level has just been lowered from yellow to blue, prompting across-the-board reductions in security measures. This is the first time the threat level has been blue, same color as my handsome co-anchor’s eyes.
Terry: [embarrassed] Stop.
Greg: Come on now, we’ve talked about this. Learn to take a compliment.
Terry: Thank you.
Greg: See, now how hard is that? All right, let’s check the freeways.

Ha, nice.

One reply on “More than just co-anchors”

I happened upon this show on Sunday right in the middle of this scene, remembered this post, and decided to settle in to watch it. I have to say, it was a pretty damn funny show.

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