
Up and away, again

Okay, so the recap and photos from last weekend may have to wait a bit. Just a few days after we got back from New York, we’re up and away again. Thom left on his business trip to Omaha this morning; his conference there wraps up midday tomorrow, and I am flying out to meet […]

Okay, so the recap and photos from last weekend may have to wait a bit. Just a few days after we got back from New York, we’re up and away again. Thom left on his business trip to Omaha this morning; his conference there wraps up midday tomorrow, and I am flying out to meet him that evening. So yes, Nebraska, here I come!

I need to get some shuteye, but just so I’m not leaving you empty-handed, I have uploaded a few of my New York photos for now. Here’s one of Thom and his mom on 42nd Street, before we all went to see The Lion King.

Thom and Mom

5 replies on “Up and away, again”

Tim: My family has always maintained that I don’t look much like either side of the family, though I think there’s definitely a resemblance to my mother especially around the cheekbones, nose and eye shape. As I get older, though, I also sometimes am startled by seeing my father, in part, staring back out at me from the mirror.

Sonal: Aw, shucks! <waves>

Albert: We had a fabulous time in New York, and we do indeed make a lovely family. I’ve been at least doubly blessed, in fact, first with my birth family represented here by my mom and more recently with my chosen family, in Jeff.

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