

Much of photography, mine at least, is serendipity. Yesterday at the newly redesigned Museum of Modern Art, I took a number of photos, including three of museum-goers around Barnett Newman’s Broken Obelisk, all taken from the same vantage point. I hadn’t meant for them to be a series, but I then thought to run them […]

Much of photography, mine at least, is serendipity. Yesterday at the newly redesigned Museum of Modern Art, I took a number of photos, including three of museum-goers around Barnett Newman’s Broken Obelisk, all taken from the same vantage point. I hadn’t meant for them to be a series, but I then thought to run them as a slideshow in iPhoto just for kicks. I cropped a bit where necessary, added some music (“Down Slow” by Moby, from Play), looped it three times, and exported as a QuickTime file. It’s relatively low-tech, but I like the result. I was joking with Thom that I should set up a TV in the living room with this slideshow on a loop as some kind of art installation. Check it out (652KB). I like how there are a few people in the shot that stay in the same place in all three photos (taken about eight seconds apart), like the couple just to the right of the vertex. Off to the far right is Monet’s Water Lilies, unfortunately dwarfed in this soaring atrium. Here are the individual photos:

Obelisk 1
Obelisk 2
Obelisk 3

More photos from our weekend trip to New York are forthcoming.

3 replies on “Obelisk”

That is *SO* cool, Jeff — and what’s so compelling about it is those two people by the sculpture who never move… the eye is drawn to them, ignoring the sculpture completely.

Heh — gee, you’re having a lovely time with that new iBook, aren’t you? See how much easier it is to be creative when you don’t have to fight with the computer?

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