Gay Arkansans protested Gov. Mike Huckabee’s hetero-only “Celebration of Marriage” on Monday. From Salon, “a dispatch from the culture war“:
There was only one interruption all night. During Huckabee’s speech, a group of young activists unfurled banners saying “Queer Rights Now.” As security guards moved in to hustle them out, two young men embraced. They stayed put as the rest of their group moved into the aisles, looking a little scared as they clung to each other as people jeered them and called for their arrest.
It was the most romantic thing I saw all night.
Also, I came across another interesting article: on SFGate, “Same-sex marriage in the ’burbs,” about two gay couples who sought marriage licenses on Valentine’s Day in the East Bay city of Martinez, Calif.
One reply on “‘The most romantic thing’”
This is such a sweet moment! It is such moments of embarassing beauty that expose hypocricy & irresponsible bias.