
Vermont legalizes gay marriage

Two pieces of news today on the marriage-rights front! First, the Vermont legislature overrode the governor’s veto to pass its same-sex marriage bill, which takes effect September 1. (Perfect for a fall foliage wedding!) Aside: I’ve never been there, but I always did have a soft spot for the state ever since I did my fifth-grade state report on Vermont.

Also, the D.C. council has passed an initial, unanimous vote to recognize same-sex marriages from other jurisdictions. (The resolution may have other hurdles ahead of it, namely congressional oversight.)

Back to Iowa, I love what Senate Majority Leader Mike Gronstal said, in recounting his daughter’s words to conservatives against gay marriage (video):

And my daughter Kate, after listening for about twenty minutes, said to them: “You guys don’t understand. You’ve already lost. My generation doesn’t care.” I think I learned something from my daughter that day, when she said that. And Ive talked with other people about it and that’s what I see, Senator McKinley. I see a bunch of people that merely want to profess their love for each other, and want state law to recognize that. Is that so wrong? I don’t think that’s so wrong. As a matter of fact, last Friday night, I hugged my wife. You know I’ve been married for thirty-seven years. I hugged my wife. I felt like our love was just a little more meaningful last Friday night because thousands of other Iowa citizens could hug each other and have the state recognize their love for each other.

It’s not that the tide is turning. It has turned. Come on, California!

2 replies on “Vermont legalizes gay marriage”

Daryl and I took a vacation to Vermont in September of 2007 and fell in love with it. We’ve given serious thought to moving there (i.e. if I can convince Daryl that winters can be survived).

This just reinforces my desire to someday live there (maybe in retirement?).

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