
Anything you can do

You know that Gap commercial for the “Boyfriend Trouser” with Claire Danes and Patrick Wilson dancing to “Anything You Can Do” from Annie Get Your Gun? Well, Joey and David do a good re-creation of it … with a little twist: Ha. Also pretty funny is “14 Days in a Civic.” How had I not […]

You know that Gap commercial for the “Boyfriend Trouser” with Claire Danes and Patrick Wilson dancing to “Anything You Can Do” from Annie Get Your Gun?

Well, Joey and David do a good re-creation of it … with a little twist:

Ha. Also pretty funny is “14 Days in a Civic.” How had I not heard of Joey and David before?

3 replies on “Anything you can do”

Such is the state of my mind that I didn’t recognize either Danes or Wilson until you pointed their identities out, despite having seen the commercial at least half a dozen times.

Ooo! Thanks for naming the actors in the commercial! I’d been wondering! The parody is quite awesome.

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