
Carrot cake

We had a lovely time at my aunt’s house yesterday for Thanksgiving. There was so much food! (Afterwards we watched My Big Fat Greek Wedding on DVD, which I hadn’t seen before. Cute.) A nice thing about a big meal is all the leftovers; we took a bunch home and are set for a few […]

We had a lovely time at my aunt’s house yesterday for Thanksgiving. There was so much food! (Afterwards we watched My Big Fat Greek Wedding on DVD, which I hadn’t seen before. Cute.) A nice thing about a big meal is all the leftovers; we took a bunch home and are set for a few more meals.

Carrot cakeOur contribution to the Thanksgiving feast was carrot cake. Granted, it came from a Betty Crocker mix, but we followed a suggested recipe on the box (“Ultimate Carrot Cake“), which calls for adding nuts, raisins, coconut, and pineapple to make it especially hearty. (The version at is slightly different and also suggests orange juice and/or peel.) We used our new KitchenAid mixer to mix the batter, which admittedly is like swatting at a fly with a sledgehammer, but we were excited to use it for the first time.

We followed the recipe as written and then topped the cake with additional shredded coconut, which we had toasted in a pan. It looks and tastes great!

6 replies on “Carrot cake”

Looks delicious.

As for using the mixer, we used it for everything we could think of, back when we first got it. It’s way too cool of a machine to leave it alone!

The cake looks beautiful! Almost too pretty to eat.

My dilemma is that I love carrot cake, but hate cream cheese frosting. Can’t people put a different frosting on it? Please?

that’s not pumpkin!

but carrot cake is my FAVORITE. it’s so good! i made it from scratch once and it was so labor intensive! peeling all those carrots takes forever…

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