Christmas has come early to our house this year! Our first Christmas present of the season arrived last week. Apparently Thom’s mom found a good deal on QVC for something she knew we wanted, and she decided to go ahead and get it for us. It’s a KitchenAid Professional Stand Mixer! Mmm, four hundred fifty watts of mixing motor power [insert grunting noises here], clad in metallic chrome to match our other appliances. We’ve yet to find the perfect spot on the kitchen counter for it, but already the coffeemaker and toaster oven are cowering in the distance. And oh, there are attachments to get! That’s right, pimp our mixer, yo.
I was IM-ing with Thom after the UPS guy delivered it, and I said we can be baking all season. “Hello pumpkin everything,” he replied. He knows me so well.
11 replies on “Mix and mingle”
Very cool… so what do you charge for shipping baked goodies? 🙂
Moms & QVC – a perfect combination!
When Marc and I first moved in together, back in the last century, one of the first things we bought was a KitchenAid Mixer. Actually, it was a gift from me to him. I knew he wanted one, and I thought it would be a nice addition to our little apartment kitchen. It moved with us to our first house and is now here with us in this one. It’s a great piece of equipment.
I hope you enjoy yours for many years!
I bought a white KitchenAid stand mixer more than a year ago from Amazon. It was one kitchen item that I couldn’t sell or part with when I moved away, so it’s now with a friend in Arlington–just on a loan!–awaiting my return.=)
OMG! I had no idea that they came in so many colors! I’m partial to the “Harvest Red!”
–Rajani 🙂
ps. I had my first pumpkin latte yesterday at Starbucks and was compelled to get one today too!
I got Brian one of those for his Birthday. I think he just thought it would look good on the counter, because it unfortunately gets very little use. 🙂
Best. Gift. Ever. For better or worse, we make a hell of a lot more desserts since we got ours. And as of yesterday, we now are armed with the means to make a ripping pie crust with it. Enjoy!
Way to go Mom!! I bought a black one to go with our kitchen when we built our house two years ago. Have never looked back, and Manny appreciates the baking I do with it. Enjoy!!!
And as I am sure you guys know, there have been a flurry of delicious pumpkin-related food stories on NPR, with recipes on the web site! When do I get to visit!? Pumpkin is good for xmas too! 😉
We have a really big Kitchen Aid that makes a horrrrrible racket. And weighs almost as much as me.
I wanted to pimp mine out but after 2 years I made some $20 flame decals for others too. Cheaper than the $150 for an airbrush job.