Today for lunch I needed to fill a fast-food craving, and I was all ready to go to Burger King, when I remembered that mere minutes from our house–maybe even seconds, if you happen to take stop signs only as suggestions–there is an In-N-Out. Score!
It’s almost dangerous how conveniently located that place is. Must… not… get… addicted.
7 replies on “Fast food”
Sigh. I remember I-N-O with great fondness from my university days in S. Cal. I’ll be back there next month, so maybe I’ll make the pilgrimage. 🙂
I just don’t understand the attraction of In ‘n Out Burger — why do people wait in such long lines for a hamburger that is so unimpressive, even McDonald’s tastes better!
It must be one of those weird California things that I will never understand.
I wish they had a Five Guys here. Seriously.
For the benefit of us fast food lovers back east, can you describe In-N-Out in terms of fast food eateries we have out here? If I ever come visit, you must take me to this place.
Hey, thanks for the comment on my blog…yours is quite nice also, and it sounds like you are definitely at an exciting and challenging point in your life with your move across country! My condolences on the difficulties that you have faced recently. My boyfriend passed away suddenly and unexpectedly last October, so for the first time in my life I have begun to understand the difficulties of dealing with the loss of those we love. I wish you the best in your journey!
Now, on the lighter side, I was born and raised in Los Angeles, so now being exiled out here in Chicago, I thought I would not survive without that sweet nectar of life, the In-N-Out Burger! However, I am pleased to say that through intensive therapy and daily yoga exercises, I have finally reached the point of being able to make it through most nights without breaking into cold sweats. Noticing Jere’s comment asking you to describe In-N-Out for the benefit of those back east…that would be like trying to describe the beauty of a rose to man blind from birth or the majesty of the Grand Canyon to someone who had never left the…ok, maybe I’m going a bit overboard, but not by much! 😉
By the way, one of the things that has helped me to survive without In-N-Out is that Chicago has a hamburger joint that is absolutely wonderful (and just as addictive!). It is called Portillo’s, and if you are ever in the Chicagoland area, make sure you stop by one for a Portillo dog or burger. It will change your life for the better. To compare it to In-N-Out would be to compare apples and oranges, so my official position is they are both my favorite hamburger place.
Jere – In ‘n Out is kind of like a 1950s burger joint; they only sell hamburgers and fries, and that’s it. What seems to make them special is the extent to which you can customize your burger — they’ll make it any way you want. Some people actually buy burgers with a dozen patties on it.
Oh, and they have hidden bible references on their packaging.
Still, in my opinion, their burgers are nothing special, they’re not particularly noteworthy in taste or any other parameter. In ‘n Out is one of those institutions that is popular just for being popular and does little to justify it.
Gene, Gene, Gene… you’ve already had the heart attack, are you aiming for apoplexy, too? It’s just a hamburger joint. Breathe.
I will grant you that the bible references are a bit creepy, but for me In-N-Out is all about the fries. I disagree with you that the burgers are nothing special–they’re absolutely tastier than nearly any other fast food outlet’s (McDonalds? Really?!)–but the fries are where they truly shine. Like those at Five Guys back home, these fries actually look and taste like the potatoes from which they’re made fresh daily, rather than like little yellow extruded pieces of potato-starch food product.
And Jere, no more of this “if ever” stuff. Next time, you write “when I come visit…”