I’ve been checking out the new Google Calendar, which seems pretty slick (or I’m just seduced by the pretty colors and rounded corners, which is likely). Thom and I are continually looking at various calendar applications to help organize and integrate our individual schedules. Most recently we’ve been kicking the tires at 30 Boxes.
But getting back to Google, I remembered that I’ve been meaning to ask: anyone want a Gmail invitation? (Signing up for Gmail involves using a code obtained either from a current user or from Google via your cell phone.) Seriously, I have loads of them. I suppose they’re a dime a dozen these days, but I might as well put them up for grabs. Leave a comment or send me an e-mail if you’re interested. I used to use my ISP’s web interface to manage my e-mail, but I migrated to Gmail sometime last year and haven’t looked back.
One reply on “Googlification”
Well, poop, it doesn’t work with Safari. But I’ve already gotten pretty used to using the Mac’s iCal, and syncing it across my macs at work and home and my iPod. I can’t wait to see how the new phone works with it.