I actually followed up on my plan to do some blog renovation. On Friday night I put aside my old templates, and brought in the default Movable Type 3.2 templates, along with one of the styles from the MT library. The one I’ve chosen for now is named “Powell Street.” (In homage to San Francisco? Ah, I just realized: I remember that the walls of the Powell Street BART station are covered in white hexagonal tiles, mimicked by the background on these pages. A further “duh” moment: I just now viewed the complete image used in the banner, and it’s of a BART train going by in a blur.)
So yeah, things do look a little different, if you’re reading this on my site and not in a news reader, of course. I also switched to publishing individual entry (instead of daily) archives. Hopefully that will make for more targeted search results and linking. I used to rely on anchor-tagged entries within daily archives, and since there’s no way to redirect those anchors to the new individual pages — a .htaccess file ignores pound-signs as comments — I’ll just leave the old dailies up so as not to break any incoming links.
[Addendum (Sept. 30): If my site looks all wonky, your browser is probably loading an old version of the stylesheet, in which case you may try to reload/refresh the page, or force your browser to completely bypass the cache, by holding down Shift (or Ctrl) and clicking on the reload/refresh button.]
8 replies on “New look, same great taste”
Congrats on the new layout! 🙂
Looks great!
Very nice!
Hmm… perhaps a little more leading between the lines of text would be better for what I realize are my aging eyes?
Thanks, folks! No problem, Gene. I had been using a factor for the line-height (e.g., 1.5), which looked fine in Firefox on my iBook, but for some reason it wasn’t taking effect elsewhere. I just changed it to a percentage, which seems to work.
Lovely new site! 🙂
Um, I think I am missing something. I see no Powell St BART Station-esque background.
Next stop, Montgomery Station… LOL. Interesting… your color palate seems to have changed in the same direction of my.. warm colours to cool colours..