
Quoth the raven

Last night we went to the Kennedy Center Millennium Stage for a concert performance of Nevermore, a new musical by Matt Conner, based on the writings of Edgar Allan Poe. All the songs are beautiful, and I am looking forward to seeing the full show when it goes on stage at Signature Theatre next year. […]

Last night we went to the Kennedy Center Millennium Stage for a concert performance of Nevermore, a new musical by Matt Conner, based on the writings of Edgar Allan Poe. All the songs are beautiful, and I am looking forward to seeing the full show when it goes on stage at Signature Theatre next year. (Speaking of anticipated Signature productions, we will be seeing Urinetown next month.)

And so my long Labor Day weekend draws to a close. As I’ve mentioned previously, I had today off, and while I thought I was going to go out and spend the day in D.C., inertia got the best of me and I stayed at home. It was a lovely day, and I took some photos on the balcony, including one to add to my seasonal tree series. Here it is so far:

Tree, autumnTree, winterTree, summer

As you can see, I missed spring.

One reply on “Quoth the raven”

Matthew and I appreciate your coming SO much…Thank you for your support of this important project. We are both so glad that you had an enjoyable evening. I can’t wait to see the show either! The things that I have heard about what they will do with the staging/visuals are absolutely AMAZING, and the likes of which Signature has never seen before. Watch for updates on the process on my site…thanks SO much, again…

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