Strange. As of around 12:30 a.m., the Post‘s D.C. webcam, which usually shows a view of the National Mall (and which I used to display in the sidebar here), has been showing a screen capture of German TV. (The woman on the screen is politician Angela Merkel, for you Germanophiles out there.) Thom jokes that maybe Washington has been invaded while we’ve been ensconced in the condo all weekend.
I tried sending the Post a message about it using their contact form (and I even attached a screenshot), but it didn’t generate any kind of confirmation screen, so who knows if it has been received.
[Update (15:22): It’s back to the Mall. The Germans have retreated.]
2 replies on “Ich bin ein Berliner, apparently”
You Germanophiles will also note Frau Merkel’s stylish new hairdo.
weird but not unusual as i watch several webcams from local news and other sources here in portland, oregon and come across tv programs quite often- maybe it tells us something about those who maintain the cams?