
My love is red

Yes, I’m alive. Things at the office have been busy, as I’m trying to get a lot of work done before the upcoming holiday weekend. Mmm, weekend. I’ll be out of the office on Labor Day and the following day as well, which is great. But for now, it’s nose to the grindstone. Last week, […]

Yes, I’m alive. Things at the office have been busy, as I’m trying to get a lot of work done before the upcoming holiday weekend. Mmm, weekend. I’ll be out of the office on Labor Day and the following day as well, which is great. But for now, it’s nose to the grindstone.

My love is redLast week, Thom was in a funk, and yesterday I got into a funk; we had a good talk about it, aired some issues, and things are better. Less funky.

This is a photo of the roses I sent to Thom last Friday, inspired by the song “Love is Red” by David Poe.

I’ll drink whiskey from the bottle
I’ll drink sherry or moonshine
But my love is like a rare, red wine:
A sacrament, exquisite, hard to find

The gladiolas in slow motion
Scar of tulips in the snow
But my love is like a red, red rose:
Coveted, expensive, hard to grow …

My love is red
As red as love can be …

5 replies on “My love is red”

Yes, I am very lucky. I try to get flowers for Jeff and for my mom a few times a year, but I think I’ve only gotten flowers once or twice before in my whole life.

These roses are really gorgeous, and they came on a day when they were really very needed.

Even my dad agrees–those roses are STUNNING!!!! (he also wants to know what kind of roses they are so that he can order them and grow them at home.

I should mention here that my parents are gardening *freaks*. Except, um, my dad is nearby…)

Glad you two are cool now! :):)

I’m afraid I’ll end up with a “you don’t bring me flowers” kind of guy. AND I WANT,nay, DESERVE FLOWERS, DAMMIT!!!

Oh dear, not ladylike. Not ladylike at all.

“I think I’ve only gotten flowers once or twice before in my whole life. ”

I’ve gotten “flower” (not plural, notice) once. One scraggly carnation, half bent over on its stem.

Come to think of it, that was a really great day… Ah well, love is blind…

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