That title is a line from Strangers with Candy, which we’ve been watching on DVD. It’s from a season-two episode (“The Blank Page“) in which Jerri (Amy Sedaris) tries out for the high school cheerleading squad, and it’s revealed that she can’t read. When it’s Jerri’s turn, the gym teacher asks her what “V-I-C-T-O-R-Y” spells, and after first guessing “win” (as in the previous girl’s cheer), Jerri guesses, “Fandango? Hobo camp? Hobo camp!”
Thom and I cracked ourselves up for a good minute imitating her and trying to get the intonation just right. In fact I’m chuckling a bit right now. The episode also has a dance sequence to “On Broadway” featuring art teacher Mr. Jellineck (Paul Dinello) in leg warmers and a leotard. I guess you have to watch it for yourself. The whole series is hilarious. Definitely worth Netflixing.
[Addendum (Aug. 31): We just watched an episode from season three (“Is Freedom Free?“) in which Mr. Jellineck appears in a Speedo. Who knew he was such a hunky stud?]
4 replies on “Fandango? Hobo camp? Hobo camp!”
Of course, what we really need is some kind of writing system to denote intonation, speed and volume, since it’s really more like…
“(softly, unsurely, with internal pauses)fan..dan….go? (louder, still a little uncertain)HObo Cayump? (more sure, quickly run together)HobHObocamp!”
LOL Thom–I actually, um, laughed out loud reading your inflection-enhanced version!
Must remember to add this to the ever-growing Netflix queue.
good times! and by the way, you can’t un-fry a popcorn shrimp.
Amy Sedaris is such an amazing performer, and that series was the perfect platform for her talent. I loved this episode when I first saw it…have to revisit sometime soon…thanks for the chuckle:)