
Cats and dogs, revisited

Ooh, boy, it’s another downpour. Even more thunder and lightning this time, the whole production. Alex the cat has hidden himself away under the bed or in some corner of the bedroom. I feel like the power could go out at any second. Godspeed the poor Ledo’s delivery guy who’s supposed to get here soon […]

Ooh, boy, it’s another downpour. Even more thunder and lightning this time, the whole production. Alex the cat has hidden himself away under the bed or in some corner of the bedroom. I feel like the power could go out at any second.

Godspeed the poor Ledo’s delivery guy who’s supposed to get here soon with our food. (Speaking of delivery, Thom’s copy of the new Harry Potter arrived earlier today without incident.)

3 replies on “Cats and dogs, revisited”

I love thunderstorms!!!!!!!! We’ve got one now, too. LOTS of lightning. It poured around 7 p.m. Heavy sheets of rain. And then, just like a switch being turned off, it ended. People poked their heads out on their balconies hesitantly. People running from their cars to the building stopped, not quite sure it was over.

Thunderstorms, to me, are like nature’s rollercoasters. Thrilling, exciting, a little bit dangerous. There’s nothing more fun than to have the power go out, and having to dig out the candles, play a card game or read for amusement, and go to bed without knowing when the power will come back on or what things will be like when it does. When I was little, I often pretended “it was like in Olden Days”… Frontier-livin’. A bear could come in the front door any minute, or an Injun. (Although, now, I’d prefer that Indian to be wearing a buckskin loincloth and little else…mmm!)

Oh, I do love thunder. And lightning. And downpours.

It’s nature’s candy to me.

I *really* miss thunderstorms. In the two months I’ve been in California, we have had one short rain shower. Other than that, every day has been sunny and clear–beautiful but boring. Give me a really intense, house-shaking thunderstorm any day for excitement!

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