
Mapping casualties of war

I was reading about the Google Maps API earlier today (via The Map Room), and just now came across a very sobering use of the map: marking hometowns of American casualties in the war in Iraq (via Adam Fields). Wow. Aside: I love Frontline and all the in-depth reporting they do, but sometimes it can […]

I was reading about the Google Maps API earlier today (via The Map Room), and just now came across a very sobering use of the map: marking hometowns of American casualties in the war in Iraq (via Adam Fields). Wow.

Aside: I love Frontline and all the in-depth reporting they do, but sometimes it can be a little depressing. Or more charitably: sobering. (That seems to be the theme of this entry.) The other day I watched a couple of episodes one right after the other, from a bunch I had accumulating on my TiVo, one on private contractors in Iraq and the other on Republican party “architect” Karl Rove, so believe me, right now I’m about as sober as you can get.

One reply on “Mapping casualties of war”

I hear ya on FRONTLINE…we have about 5 of them on our TiVo right now (the oldest one I think dates back to March…eek!). We always find the shows fascinating, but never to seem to be in the right mood to watch them… as you say, not particularly uplifting subject matter. We did manage to get the Karl Rove one out the way though!

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