
Cat kung fu

When I saw “Cat Kung Fu” in the New Yorker, I had to laugh. Our cat, Alex, is like that, though lately his preferred nemesis seems to be his little Pooky teddy bear. (I haven’t rematched him with the cow yet.) Whenever he starts attacking his toys, Thom and I chant, “Kill it! Kill it!” […]

When I saw “Cat Kung Fu” in the New Yorker, I had to laugh.

Our cat, Alex, is like that, though lately his preferred nemesis seems to be his little Pooky teddy bear. (I haven’t rematched him with the cow yet.) Whenever he starts attacking his toys, Thom and I chant, “Kill it! Kill it!” We’re so encouraging.

Cat kung fu

I love his expression in this photo. He’s all, “What? I love my teddy bear!” [claw claw scratch scratch]

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