
School days

It occurs to me that 10 years ago (almost to the day, a bit past), I graduated from high school, St. Ignatius in San Francisco. I haven’t heard anything about a reunion for my class; perhaps planning was overshadowed by the school’s 150th anniversary of its founding, which culminated in a celebration at the campus […]

It occurs to me that 10 years ago (almost to the day, a bit past), I graduated from high school, St. Ignatius in San Francisco. I haven’t heard anything about a reunion for my class; perhaps planning was overshadowed by the school’s 150th anniversary of its founding, which culminated in a celebration at the campus last Saturday (my Bay Area vacation had ended just a few days before, so I wasn’t there). I found some photos of the event on the web, and here’s San Francisco mayor Gavin Newsom, with faculty member Bob Drucker (if memory serves). Gee, does Gav ever not look like a million bucks?

But back to graduation, sometime when I’m back at my parents’ house, I should dig up my valedictory speech. (And make Thom watch the video.) I do remember that the inspiration for it came from a poem I had found by T. S. Eliot, called “At Graduation 1905.” The opening stanza:

Standing upon the shore of all we know
We linger for a moment doubtfully,
Then with a song upon our lips, sail we
Across the harbor bar — no chart to show,
No light to warn of rocks which lie below,
But let us yet put forth courageously.

Goodness, can’t you just hear the strains of Gaudeamus igitur? While it might be nice to have a reunion, I still keep in touch with a few of my friends from those days, so I’m not completely out of orbit.

2 replies on “School days”

It cuts both ways, mon cher. There probably isn’t video of my own valedictory address about apathy (perhaps prophetic, since my classmates didn’t seem to care enough to hold a reunion this year) 25 years ago this week, but I’m pretty sure my Mom still has a paper copy that I could read aloud to you.

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