When I was a kid I would accompany my mom to the fabric store and look forward to poring over the pattern books. McCall’s, Butterick, and so forth. (Seriously, you’d think that with my childhood interest in pattern books and bridal magazines, my mom would’ve gotten a clue.) I realize now that pattern books took my love for design, rich fabrics, and library-like cataloguing (the illustrations in the books include numbers that correspond to the pattern packets stored in vast file cabinets), and rolled them up into one leisurely activity. Not that I ever learned how to sew. I at least need to learn how to hem my pants, a job I’ve usually outsourced to, yes, my mother when I visit her.
Anyway I just came across a site called Threadbared.com, which snarks at those old patterns. It is hilarious. (Link via Oscillate Wildly’s Asides.)
One reply on “Seeing patterns”
I do not think anyone is ever too old to bring certain things — sewing projects included — to mother.