

I’m working at home today. I’ve worked from home a few times in the past, but now that I have the technology to remotely access my office computer–which is much easier, for one thing eliminating the step of saving my work onto floppy disk (remember those?) and then uploading back at the office–this is going […]

I’m working at home today. I’ve worked from home a few times in the past, but now that I have the technology to remotely access my office computer–which is much easier, for one thing eliminating the step of saving my work onto floppy disk (remember those?) and then uploading back at the office–this is going to be a regular thing, once a week for now. And Thom’s office is so close to the condo (just a few minutes’ drive) that he and I could have lunch together on my home-work days, which would be nice.

So I guess I better get to work. Maybe I’ll put some clothes on first.

3 replies on “Homework”

Whenever I’ve considered any kind of work from home, I’ve worried that I’ll goof off too much!

I hope you’re more disciplined than I and that it all goes well!

Put some clothes on? That’s one of the perks of working from home! When I am on the phone w/ a client, I often think “if they could only see what I look like?” Bed head, shorts, barefoot… ok, I DO have clothes on, but there are those occasional “commando” mornings!

Maybe I’ll put some clothes on first.

Well, there goes the chance that I’ll get any work done. 😉

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